
A Day In The Life of An Evolvement Leadership Team Member

Hello, my fellow New Mexicans! I am Kris M.: (1) a Gadsden High School graduate, (2) an accredited Evolver, and (3) an Evolvement Leadership Team member. Being a seasoned Evolvement approaching veteran, I have taken part in my fair share of meetings, events, presentations, and more. Today, I would like to take you through what a day as an Evolvement Leadership Team member could and would look like! 

Communication is key. As cheesy as this sounds, communication is absolutely crucial to hosting out-of-the-park events. Prior to said Evolvement event it is necessary for Leadership Team members to be in contact with the Evolvement team from Albuquerque, our personal campus club advisors, and other Evolvers who we will be working alongside in the day’s endeavors. With all hands on deck, Evolvers are given the space and support to brainstorm event ideas as a collective until a final verdict is made. Once our campus club advisor approves, we confirm with the Evolvement team in Albuquerque. An Evolvement event is on the calendar! The days leading up the event are filled with back and forth confirmation emails/messages and the finalizing touches so everything is smooth sailing the day of. 

On the day of said event, Evolvement Leadership Team members typically guide other Evolvers through the experience so showing up early is helpful to avoid being super frazzled as our teammates begin filing in. With the crew ready to get started, we can start setting up the table and whatever else necessary (surveys, games, prizes, etc.). As the event gets started it can be a bit intimidating, but it’s not so bad once everyone gets into the groove of things. Now, we are connecting with our community by having meaningful conversations about decreasing the harmful and addictive use of commercial tobacco products. Before you know it, the event is sadly over; it’s time to pack up and head home.

Little do you know, the fun is just getting started! A text from Evolvement comes in as a sweet reminder that the monthly Evolvement Leadership Team meeting or “e-hang” starts in a few minutes. After clicking on the link attached to the text, we join the Evolvement personnel and our fellow Leadership Team members in the Zoom meeting. These e-hangs last about an hour and are pretty easygoing. This provides a chance to get to befriend our peers and share our Evolvement experiences and plans. With this comes fresh sets of eyes and ears that are willing to help via support, advice, and whatever else possible.

Being a member of the Evolvement Leadership Team has certainly elevated my Evolvement experience. Thanks to the Leadership Team, I’ve been presented opportunities that other Evolvers may not, as well as been able to gain confidence in my capabilities and advocacy as a whole. 

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